"My Thoughts"
The Problem With Porn and Love
When our feelings are more about not being alone or when we turn to others to feel okay about ourselves - in the beginning sex too easily
provides the illusion of love by creating a feeling of closeness -- but it almost never lasts - because it can't!
If you want to sustain sexual passion then a strong emotional connection called love is a requirement.
This is emotional reality and not a moral judgment.
This is why porn becomes boring over a short period of time - because there is no emotional passion - no genuine connection
- there's no real boy/girl dynamic in play.
When sex is used to provide identity or to gain security and confidence then it has become merely a vehicle to meet emotional needs - and not a source of genuine, lasting passion!
Anxiety and Slow Calm
The psychic "pain" which creates your anxiety - causes your mind to go into survival mode.
It does this by pushing the original reasons for the anxiety off into the corner - you still feel the anxiety, but you're not so focused on those original "painful" thoughts or feelings.
The Solution? To identify, understand and emotionally process those thoughts and feelings behind the anxiety - to a more calm state. It takes time but it's a process that works (most of the time).
The Ghosts We Live With
Actual ghosts live in the back of our minds - when we feel criticized, misunderstood, not heard or when we question ourselves - our own feelings or judgment.
These ghosts come from our past and their oxygen is when we struggle with confidence or when we feel bad or we anticipate abandonment or criticism - especially if we see that our partner is unhappy.
That's when they get strong and undermine our ability - to be at peace with ourselves - which I see as both a spiritual and a psychological goal for all of us.
The Reality of
Eighty percent of those who are genuine narcissists live with deep, strong, major league insecurities. That's a fact!
Most people labeled "narcissist" are actually borderline personalities or just self-absorbed and emotionally immature.
The key part to a narcissist is their pattern of being vindictive. They have a strong need to hurt anyone who disagrees or fails to adore them - and it's not just due to a moment of frustration. A real narcissist will plot, plan and wait to hurt others.
Why is this important? Because you see this in personal relationships, business relationships and especially in politics!